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Our Difference

We’re a children’s dental practice in Greenwood who ONLY treats children, adolescents, and individuals with special health care needs, providing a unique dental experience for all kids.

What Sets Park Pediatric Dentistry Apart?

Dr. Lesa Allison LOVES treating kids and follows these three components for every patient at her children's Greenwood dental office.

An Amazing Experience

It’s our goal to provide a positive, educational, and fun experience for every child and parent who walks through our doors. You can expect your child will receive high-quality dentistry while having a blast at their dental appointment.

Transparent Communication

We believe open and honest communication is what will set your child up for success. By explaining dentistry in kid-friendly terms, we can alleviate fear and motivate your child to LOVE taking care of his or her teeth. Excellent communication with you, as the parent, allows us to adapt to your child’s specific needs, to help us make the dental visit as easy as possible, and ensure you and your child have all the information to maintain their beautiful smile.

Our Niche Is Kids

We’re a pediatric dental office in Greenwood, IN. We ONLY treat kids from ages 0-18. This training allows Dr. Allison to provide a safe (and fun!) approach to your child’s dental health. We even have sedation options for anxious and nervous children.

Why See a Pediatric Dentist Over a General Dentist?

We specialize in kiddos!

Pediatric dentists receive extra schooling after dental school to specialize only in children. Because of this, Dr. Lesa Allison focuses on the big picture of your child’s oral health, tailoring treatment plans and adapting to specific needs. How can she help your child?

  • Dr. Lesa Allison is a board-certified pediatric dentist
  • She has experience working with children from different backgrounds and demographics
  • Trained in treating children with special needs
  • Trained in understanding the growth development of children’s skeletal and dental structures

Ready to Experience Park Pediatric Dentistry?

We look forward to meeting you!

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  • Please complete the following form to request an appointment. Please also note that availability will vary depending on your request. Your appointment will be confirmed by phone by a member of our staff. Thank you!
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Our Location

Park Pediatric Dentistry
1700 W. Smith Valley Rd Suite B-1
Greenwood, IN 46142
Phone: (317) 300-8163

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Our Hours

Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
- Lunch: 1PM - 2PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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Language interpretation services translated into the top 15 languages are available on the site. If you speak a language other than English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call (317) 300-8163.

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