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General Anesthesia Through IV (GAIV)

Help your child beat dental anxiety and fear.

Is Your Little One Afraid of Going to the Dentist?

General anesthesia is your helping hand for stress-free dental procedures.

father smiling with son on his back

About 36% of the American population suffers from dental anxiety, including adults! That’s why we believe it’s important to address and solve these fears before they develop into adulthood.

At Park Pediatric Dentistry, we offer general anesthesia services for your child with a licensed and board-certified dental anesthesiologist.

It'll gently ease your child into sleep so we can perform the necessary dental procedures they need.

It’s safe and effective for children who are:

  • Scared or nervous about dental treatment
  • Worried about “shots”
  • Don’t like the feeling of being numb
  • Getting invasive or extensive amount of treatment
  • Unable to cooperate due to special needs or delayed development

If you're wondering if this sedation method is right for your child, schedule a consultation with us today.

Enjoy Gentle and Effortless Dental Appointments

Eliminate Stress

Under anesthesia, your child will be asleep, which means they'll feel relaxed and avoid the stress that comes from hearing the sounds of dentistry or feel the discomfort from "shots".

Safe & Controlled

Our dental anesthesiologist has the training, expertise, and equipment ready to keep your child safe. He'll closely monitor your child while we complete the necessary dental treatments.

Save Time & Money

We can do multiple treatments in one appointment, meaning you and your child will miss less work and school. Plus - you won't have to worry about additional hospital bills since our services are done in-house.

Why Choose Park Pediatric Dentistry?

We're stamped with the mom-and-dad seal of approval to create healthy smiles for kids.

Dr Allison and Dr Wilson

As Greenwood pediatric dentists, we pour our hearts into taking care of your children like they’re our own.

Dr. Lesa Allison and Dr. Andrew Wilson take a tender, yet lively approach with your little ones.


  • They’ve received additional training to become experts in all aspects of pediatric dentistry, including sedation for children.
  • Their training allows them to provide comprehensive dental services all under one roof, creating a positive and easy dental experience for your little one.
  • They’ve partnered with a licensed and board-certified dental anesthesiologist, Dr. Kyle Kramer, who’s solely responsible to ensure your child is safe under general anesthesia.
  • Dr. Kramer brings and sets up his certified equipment in one of our private operative rooms to monitor your child’s vital signs throughout the procedure.

If you have any questions about general anesthesia, give us a call.

FAQs About General Anesthesia Through IV

Find the answers to your top questions here.



Will they be asleep?
How do they start an IV for my child if they won’t sit still for the IV?
How long will it affect them?
Can they return to school the next day?
Will they be alone?
Can they wake up during the procedure?
How are they being monitored?
How long does it take them to wake up?
Why do they need to be NPO (nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours prior)?
When will they be back to normal?
Will they be numb?
What do they need to eat for the remainder of the day? When can they rest?


What can I expect when my child is waking up?
How long will I be at the office?
Will I be with them when they are awake?
Do I need to bring an extra person with me?


What is the protocol in case of an emergency?
Is this safe to do in a dental office?
What is the home aftercare following this type of procedure?
What does the recovery process look like?
Who is the doctor putting them under?
Is using general anesthesia for dental treatments common?
Can you do 2 appointments that are a lot of work for one appointment?
Will they also have nitrous oxide/laughing gas?
Has the doctor done a lot of these?
Why is it the best treatment for my child’s needs? (vs. laughing gas or oral sedation)?

A Healthy Smile Begins Here

Take the first step in relieving your child’s dental fear by scheduling a consultation.

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our Location

Park Pediatric Dentistry
1700 W. Smith Valley Rd Suite B-1
Greenwood, IN 46142
Phone: (317) 300-8163

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Our Hours

Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
- Lunch: 1PM - 2PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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